HPV Vaccination, Cervical cancer : by Dr. Ankita Kaushal

⭕5th most common cancer in the world
⭕3rd most common cancer in WOMEN
⭕2nd leading cause of CERVICAL CANCER deaths in women in INDIA
Association of HPV infection and Cervical cancer is well documented ( 70-80% cases of CERVICAL CANCER are due to HPV infection acquired in young age)
WHO 2010 states that every 7 minutes one women die of CERVICAL CANCER in India.
The main reason is less awareness about the disease, and much less awareness about its prevention.
Need of HPV Vaccination is the need of the hour!
Why you ask?
Natural HPV infection induces a weak immune response, which is not strong enough to prevent reinfection. On the other hand, Vaccination induces a very strong immune response.
There are 2 types of vaccines available in India - Bivalent ( HPV strains 16,18) and Quadrivalent (6,11,16,18)
Strains 16,18 are associated with cervical cancer
Strains 6,11 are associated with genital warts
In females less than 15 years, only 2 doses are required two months apart.
In females more than 15 years of age 3 doses are required.
In INDIA, Vaccination is advised for all females in the age group between 9-26 years of age.
Visit your gynecologist today and get Vaccinated!
Cancer Cervix is easily preventable as there is long lag period, screening programs and easy detection and also available vaccination.

Dr. Ankita Kaushal
Fertility Specialist


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