Tubal Factor Infertility - by Dr Ankita Kaushal

Tubal Factor Infertility : Why are fallopian tubes important? Fallopian tubes are hollow muscular tubes, inside they are lined by hair-like bristles, they originate from the uterine cavity and end on top of ovaries. There are 2 fallopian tubes one on each side. The ovarian end has finger-like structures that help to suck in the egg in the tube after ovulation. The sperms swim from the vaginal cavity into the uterine cavity to the tubes. The egg is fertilized by the sperms in the tubes. This is where embryo forms and starts to develop further. After few days of development in the tubes, the embryo is shifted to the uterine cavity where it implants after which you are pregnant. In case of any kind of damage to the fallopian tubes, the sperms will not reach the egg for fertilization, the embryo might not form, the embryo might not survive in damaged tubes. For all of the above to happen and pregnancy to occur, PATENT AND FUNCTIONAL FALLOPIAN TUBES ARE MOST IMPORTANT. ...