It is a simpler method of treatment to increase your chances of getting pregnant, where mid-cycle ( when the female egg is released), the semen sample is collected, processed - a sample of activated, best motile sperms are made, and with the help of an IUI catheter DEPOSITED INSIDE THE UTERINE CAVITY. It is an OPD procedure, no anesthesia is given. Q) When can you opt for IUI : A) 1. Essential requirements - wife should have open fallopian tubes, releasing an egg every month, mild to moderate ovulation disturbances. 2. The husband should have a good sperm count and motility. Q) What are the chances of pregnancy? A) Around 15-20 %. It is different for each couple depending on the problems of Fertility and causes. Q) In Which conditions are it most useful? A) Female : PCOS, grade 1 endometriosis, mild ovulation disorders, Unexplained Infertility, Busy work schedule, Husband and wife staying in different cities because of work B ) Male : Mild low sperm count, Mi...